Strategy NEMATO Foundation




In this strategy the vision, mission and goals of what the foundation wants to realize will be explained. As well as further details about the application and execution process, banking details and a short description about the board in the Netherlands as well as the board in South Africa. 

Nemato Foundation

NeMaTo stands for  Nelson Mandela Township and is situated in Port Alfred. Port Alfred is the capital city of the Ndlambe Municipality, in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.
The Nemato Foundation is founded by Otto and Inke Sap in 2003. Through the years they have helped different projects, organizations and schools.
They have founded the Dutch as well as the South African foundation to have and keep close contact with the community, in order to keep an eye on the projects that have been financed.
As per 1-1-2014 the board has been taken over.

Per 1-10-2014 is a collaboration with the board of the Nemato Foundation Port Alfred replaced by direct collaboration with Child Welfare Port Alfred and the board of JJH Foster Home Alexandria at Kenton on Sea.

Board Nemato Foundation                                                                          

Ellen Fober, chairwoman
lise Zijlstra, secretary
on Duin, Treasurer                                                     

The board of the Nemato foundation exisits soly of honorary volunteers.


Nemato Foundation (Nelson Mandela Township) intents to improve the lives of  the children in and around the Nemato township and the (orphan/foster) children of JJH Foster Home Alexandria.


To help the  children from the townships in the area of Port Alfred and the (orphan/foster) children of JJH Foster Home Alexandria to get a better future.


Our goal is to support the  children in the townships Nemato  and the (orphan/foster) children of JJH Foster Home Alexandria.

Through donations local projects will be financed to improve the independency of the local community.  


To realize the mission and vision the Nemato Foundation has a close contact with Child Welfare Port Alfred and the board of JJH Foster Home Alexandria  who share our vision and know which of them need the help the most.
The Nemato foundation sends often newsletters to the people who have donated money with news about the developments at the projects. This in order for them to follow the continuity of the projects and their way forward.
Other people with an interest can receive the newsletter as well. The Nemato Foundation tries to establish a larger network of people through the use of the newsletter as well as the website and Facebook, to be able to inform more people about the work we do.
The chairperson in the Netherlands will visit the projects twice a year year so she can experience the execution of the projects first hand. She will report this back to the donators of the foundation. On request we can give a presentation about the goal and work methods about our foundation.

Application and execution

Applications are submitted from Child Welfare and from the board of JJH Foster Home Alexandria (Kenton on Sea).The board of the Nemato Foundation will discuss if the project falls under the goals that are set and if it has the most priority. The board will assess as well if it is financial feasible to continue with the application. After approval from the board in the Netherlands the money will be transferred. The staff of Child Welfare Port Alfred and the board of JJH Foster Home Alexandria  will be responsible for the supervision of the realization both technical and financial implementation.

Bank details

Stichting Nemato
NL24 RABO 0394929497


This strategy of the Nemato Foundation is written by the Board of members to achieve the goals and the mission and vision of the foundation.

   Nemato foundation details
bank anbi


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