Cluster Foster Home Port Alfred,  Our  main project of 2016

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- Adopt a Child Project

IMG 9588Last year Nemato ~Foundation together with Child Welfare Port Alfred, created a plan to financially adopt a child of the Cluster Foster Home. In this way the children have a better chance of an improved future. 7 of the 10 children wich currently live at the Home, have already been financially adopted. This course brings us great pleasure. For only 30 euro a month you can significantly improve the future of a child. Even within a group of friends or as a union you can adopt a child and share the costs.

As a donor you will be kept informed of the well being of the child, the study results and of course it is possible to email with the child through Child Welfare. One of the best things is that the children feel very special, knowing that there are also people in the Netherlands who really care about them. We need to find sponsors for the remaining 3 children, so please, and make a difference in the future of these children.

 - Swimming lessons  

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Because we find it very important that the kids learn how to swim in an environment with lots of water, the Nemato Foundation has decided to cover the costs of the swimming lessons of the kids of the Cluster Foster Home Port Alfred. 

It is really amazing to see the kids, who at first were terrified of water, after these courses are enjoying every bit of the water life and swimming sports. At this very moment the oldest 4 kids are taking swimming classes and from January 2017 we hope to have all the kids engaged in swimming practice. 

- Camp and game drive at Mansfield 

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The camping trip on the 12th and 13th of November with the kids of the Cluster Foster Home Port Alfred was an absolute high! At Mansfield Game Reserve in Port Alfred, which is beautifully situated at the Kowie River, the kids could play and have a wonderful time. The kids and their forster mothers as well as us volunteers very much enjoyed these days. To be able to do this was the biggest high for the kids.

The meeting with Gambit, the old tame giraffe was also very extraordinary. The whole evening we enjoyed the campfire and the sky full of stars. The boys and their caretakers on one side and the girls and theirs on the other side first arranged a disco at their sleeping place before heading off to sleep. We also would like to thank Stenden University for arranging the transport. This was the first time the Nemato Foundation sponsored a camping trip for the kids. The wonderful result made us decide to repeat this trip again next year. 

- Playground 
Last year the kick-off of the playground occurred on the premises of Foster Home Port Alfred. It is a very important part that kids can get rid of their excess energy and stresses in a positive manner through playing games and sports combined.

The area has now been added with swings, climbing gear and an own trampoline! The soccer goals and the volleyball net are still under construction as the construction has been delayed just a little, but will luckily be finished before the December holidays. The official opening is planned for February 2017.

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 Tooth brush Project 

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After a thorough instruction of dental hygenist Ineke Ras, Ellen has once more giving Dental Care instructions to the kids and caretakers at various Projects ( pre school JJH Foster Home Alexandria, Skills Center at Nemato and Cluster Foster Home Port Alfred ) during October and November.  Everyone attending these Dental Care Projects received a bucket with a toothbrush, toothpaste and so called dental cleansing goodies,and........ of course a certificate the children of the pre school very proud of their diploma





JJH Foster Home Alexandria 

- Holiday weekend Boknes April 

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In April we organized the first holiday weekend of 201. A very special weekend because the holiday weekend was,the same weekend that Candice (daughter of Molly of JJH ) and Eugene got married. In this way everyone could attend and be a part of the huge party.

It was a truly awesome weekend! 


- Holiday weekend Boknes October

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At the last weekend of October we had the second holiday weekend at Boknes organized. Almost a tradition which takes 80 kids and caregivers for relaxing at the camp ground and beach . It's heartwarming to see how this holiday reliefs them all and gets the. Out of the every day stresses by playing games, sports and enjoying the beach. Just forget all the daily stresses. 

- Pre school JJH Foster Home 

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In November we were able to provide the 18 kids of the well-going day care with new back packs and creative art tools. The day care was opened last year on the premises of the JJH Foster Home Alexandria and is a huge success.

Nyrocco Bam, Molly and Neels´ daughter, the founders of the JJH Foster Home, is running the show and she does this with full commitment which leads to the day care being a huge success. It is so wonderful to see the awesome progress they have made in only 1 year time. 

   Day Care disabled children in Nemato 

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The Day Care was opende at the 4th of November of last year. After the opening there still was a lot of work left on the interior and the needed materials had to be purchased. While visiting the daycare, everything looked great and tidy, everything freshly painted and good tools were purchased for the handicapped kids.

The 4 educated employees are totally ready for it, 2 times a week they engage in home visits and another 2 times a week they guide ( mothers and their) children wich attend the Day Care. However, the transport is a huge problem, often the mothers aren't capable of taking their child to the Day Care with suitable transport. We are committed to find a solution for this issue.


  Fridge and freezer for Nemato Change a Life 

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The foundation Nemato Change a Life put in a request with us to get a new refrigerator and freezer. A request we were determined to solve because this foundation means a lot to the kids of Nemato. They take care of home work support, the kids get hot meals and they offer the kids lessons in different kinds of sports. A number of the kids have even been to New Zealand in the end of October and made it to the 1st and 3rd place of trampoline jumping. A great project of which founder Jan Blom can be very proud of.

The foundation Nemato Change a Life put in a request with us to get a new refrigerator and freezer.

INGUBO Children's Haven 

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The sign with our logo is now also hanging at INGUBO, the safe place where kids get a hot meal after school (which is donated by us) and where they even get home work support of can just play off their steam so to speak. INGUBO tries to keep the kids away from the garbage fields and tries to stimulate them to go (back) to school. INGUBO makes sure the papers are in order and school uniforms and shoes are purchased from donations. Nemato Foundation has supported Ingubo with monthly groceries so that the children will have a good meal a day. We will continue our programm in 2017. 

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