Nemato Foundation Karate Academy

Since this year we started our brand new project, Nemato Foundation Karate Academy. Our coach Clive Naido who is widely known as the karate coach in Station Hill was eager to work with us.
In addition to children who pay a contribution to Clive for the lessons, we also support children from families who cannot afford it. We have therefore also sponsored the karate suits.
Training is held twice a week in different age groups.
In August we equipped the hall where the training takes place with good karate mats so that the children will not get hurt so quickly.
We have also purchased a lot of new equipment, such as punching balls, kettlebells and many other materials to make the training sessions even more challenging and varied.
On December 13, our board member Chainz went to Port Elizabeth with Clive and the pupils for their graduation . It was a very successful day and all children passed.
Just like the cricket kids, the karate kids also closed the season with a braai.
