- Mansfield Outing

On Saturday, 18th February we were spoiled with another Mansfield Game Reserve outing. The bus from Stenden University picked us up at 10am. Luckily we had splendid weather: It was sunny and dry. The children, as well as the adults, enjoyed the swimming pool, jungle gym and, of course, the barbecue. We all went on a game drive and that was definitely the highlight of the day for the children. While we had a barbecue, Gambit, the tame giraffe, paid us a visit as well as some ostriches.
Due to changes of the weather we had to return earlier than expected but it was still a very successful day.


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                                                                                                 together watching Gambit, who is huge


-Sewing Machine

In October we also bought a sewing machine for the foster home so that the foster mothers can repair the clothes and also to learn the kids some sewing skills.

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